20 Qualities Of A Good Leader You Probably Don't Have

20 Qualities Of A Good Leader You Probably Don’t Have

Imagine walking into a room and being looked at with admiration and respect by your team members and stakeholders.

If you aspire to be in this situation, you need to learn about the 20 qualities of a good leader and how to develop them effectively.

As an account manager, I need to be considered a reference point for my team, motivating and helping them when they struggle.

Is it simple? Absolutely not!

But a true leader knows that the difficult things are the ones that give the best results.

Don’t worry; the road will be downhill once you understand what makes a leader great.

Ready to discover the 20 leadership qualities you need?

Key Takeaways

  • Good leaders hold themselves accountable, facing failures and successes with equal responsibility. They create an environment that values feedback and embraces mistakes as opportunities for growth.
  • Effective leadership demands strong communication skills, including active listening. By fully engaging with team members’ ideas and concerns, leaders foster a culture of trust, inclusion, and innovation.
  • A leader’s self-confidence empowers them to make bold decisions while inspiring their team. Consistency in actions and decisions builds a reliable foundation that boosts the entire team’s confidence.
  • Empathy lies at the heart of understanding and connecting with team members on a deeper level. It plays a crucial role in conflict resolution and building strong, united teams ready to tackle any challenge together.
  • To achieve success, good leaders prioritize collaboration, making teamwork central to solving problems and achieving goals. This approach increases productivity and encourages creative solutions by valuing each person’s unique contributions.

What Makes a Good Leader?

Ready to become that charismatic and confident leader you’ve always dreamed of?

Well, let’s immediately find out what the 20 qualities are necessary to become one starting today!

Here are the key traits you must work on.


20 qualities of a good leader: accountability

How can you be a true leader without taking responsibility for your actions?

Self-accountability is one of the most important qualities of an effective leader and the key to success.

Exceptional leaders must take ownership of responsibilities, solve problems, and complete tasks.

That’s why you need to work on leadership accountability.

Since I started working on this skill, my life has changed.

Instead of blaming external factors, I try to understand why things went wrong and how to prevent it from happening again.

It is also about being proactive rather than reactive.

Problem-solving skills allow teams to work together and develop new thoughts and ideas, building accountability within the team.

A good leader must recognize successes and take ownership of any positive and negative outcomes resulting from failures or challenges.

If you want to build a culture of accountability in your workplace, consider some accountability games.

It’s an effective way to work on this skill while having fun and building relationships with colleagues.

Active listening

Strong leaders create a sense of unity by listening to their employees and respecting their ideas.

Each individual has his own needs, so listening carefully to his requests or comments is important.

Active listening is an important quality that distinguishes great leaders from mediocre ones.

I learned to be a good listener by working on my emotional intelligence and being an accountability partner for my girlfriend.

It’s not easy, but it is an essential management skill.

It involves actively listening to team members’ concerns and perspectives and offering support, feedback, and recognition where needed.

When you listen to your coworkers actively, you can build trust and promote a positive work environment.

That’s how leaders build strong relationships and make everyone feel valued.

Make sure not to judge anyone; instead, offer solutions and tips.

This demonstrates high emotional intelligence and one of the most important leadership characteristics!


Self-confidence is another vital quality in your leadership toolkit.

I always face difficult situations, and everything gets harder if you don’t believe in yourself.

Self-awareness is the key to building your resilience and becoming a successful leader.

You’ll create a positive environment within the organization, and you will delegate tasks properly.

So, focus on this quality as part of your personal development.


how to be consistent in your life

Consistency is the key to achieving your goals and getting results.

This is the most important benefit of this skill.

Do you want to become a professional athlete? You must be consistent with your training.

Do you want to become a successful manager? You must be consistent and work hard.

I’m sorry, but there are no shortcuts.

Good leaders also know how to foster this spirit within their team, leading by example.


Empathy is your bridge to understanding your team’s feelings and struggles.

Good listeners understand  other people without judging

Good leaders actively listen and offer solutions and support.

As a leader with emotional intelligence, you have the power to navigate relationships and communicate with a depth that resonates on a personal level.

Working on the ability to put myself in others’ shoes strengthened connections and played an essential role in resolving conflicts in the workplace.

Your genuine interest in the well-being of those around you sets the stage for strong, cohesive teams.

Now, imagine leveraging this empathy to inspire collaboration within your workforce.

You’ll create an environment where everyone feels heard and appreciated, which will naturally lead to the next key quality: collaboration.



When people share ideas and build on each other’s thoughts, everything gets easier.

This way, leaders encourage creativity and innovation, getting the best results.

I love it when everyone works together to help each other.

An excellent way to improve collaboration is through accountability games.

And obviously, you will also be able to work on a key skill of every leader: accountability.

It will show you can think outside the box and you respect and trust your coworkers.


Leaders must clearly communicate their vision, goals, and expectations to their team.

Good communication also helps you to provide clear feedback, which is crucial for personal development.

You’ll be seen as genuine and reliable and build a stronger, more collaborative team.


This is my favorite one.

The path to success is rarely smooth, and you must build solid armor.

Resilience resilience isn’t just about enduring; it’s about adapting and growing stronger through challenges.

You’ll develop tenacity, optimism, and adaptability, key traits that enable you to overcome obstacles confidently.

Effective leaders know that mistakes make people stronger.

Strong leaders also know that learning from mistakes is the only way to build a growth mindset.

Resilience is not just surviving the storm but learning to dance in the rain.

Next up: Focus on how maintaining your direction amid distractions can amplify your leadership effectiveness.


key quality of a leader: focus

How can you increase your productivity and achieve your organizational goals if you can’t focus on what you’re doing?

A true leader knows that time wasters drain your energy and lead you to procrastinate.

I’m talking about things like:

I have always been an easily distracted person, but by working on this flaw, I improved a lot.

That’s why it is one of the key skills required to be a good leader.

Growth mindset

We discussed facing challenges, learning from mistakes, and taking responsibility for your actions.

How can you do all this without the right mindset?

A growth mindset allows leaders to stay flexible and adaptable.

Not to mention, it is the key to becoming a high achiever.

Growth doesn’t happen in a comfort zone.

As an account manager, I always experiment with new approaches and learn from successes and failures.


I’ve always had plenty of things to do, so I can’t do everything alone.

Learning to delegate is essential.

Not only for your productivity but also to build a relationship of trust.

Thanks to their communication and collaboration skills, they know they have created an environment where there is trust.

So, they can delegate tasks and focus on the most important.

For example, I know I can confidently delegate almost everything to my team, so that I can focus on what is essential to me.

An effective leader must prioritize energy on significant objectives while fostering team members’ skills and confidence.



 For a leader, problems must be an opportunity to demonstrate their value and resourcefulness. 

If you panic as soon as you have a problem, you need to work on this skill. 

I face unexpected problems every day and having the right mindset is essential. 

A true leader must remain calm and be proactive, facing challenging with courage and confidence.

Decision-making skills

 Leaders are constantly faced with choices, big and small.

Their decisions impact the team, the project, or the entire organization.  

Good choices keep things moving in the right direction, bringing innovation in their teams.

Since true leaders take accountability for their actions, they must have good decision-making skills.

They analyze the situation but don’t overthink; they take courage and act.



Leaders are passionate about what they’re doing.

Without passion, you can’t be consistent and motivated.

Since leaders need to face difficult situations, you must love what you’re doing.

This enthusiasm is contagious, motivating others to buy in and work hard.

Imagine a flat, bored leader – not exactly inspiring!

A passionate leader doesn’t give up easily.

So yes, passion is a key quality that will build your resilience!


You can be the most charismatic and efficient person in the world, but you should always remain humble. 

I’m not saying to underestimate yourself, but you shouldn’t pose and brag.

A true leader knows his potential but doesn’t show off.

Humble leaders admit they don’t know everything.

A know-it-all leader misses out on valuable ideas!

When everyone feels valued and heard, they’re more likely to contribute their best ideas.

Imagine a team environment where everyone is afraid to speak up!


Good leaders possess an unrivaled capacity to tackle challenges head-on.

You confront obstacles not as roadblocks but as opportunities to innovate and grow.

As I always say, you should turn lemons into lemonade.

Great problem-solvers can identify the root cause of issues and craft creative solutions.

Good leaders understand that opportunities for professional growth arise from problems, so they face them with determination and positivity.



You can’t be a good leader without being transparent.

Don’t confuse transparency with accountability; they’re two different concepts.

When a leader is transparent, everyone feels informed and in the loop, fostering a sense of reliability.

Not to mention that transparency minimizes misunderstandings and speculation, creating a collaborative environment.

For example, I always make sure to organize meetings where the goal is for everyone to be informed about our goals and what they need to do.


You unleash the full potential of your team by fostering an environment ripe for innovation and creativity. 

Through my experience, I’ve noticed that creative leaders inspire their teams to see beyond conventional solutions. 

They push boundaries and recognize opportunities even in the most unexpected situations.

The world keeps changing, and problems come in all shapes and sizes.

Creative leaders aren’t afraid of the unusual; they can think outside the box to find unique solutions that impress everyone.



Creating an ethical environment has always been a priority for me.

Ethical leaders set the tone for the whole organization.

They make decisions based on strong values like fairness, honesty, and integrity.

This builds trust and respect, creating a positive work environment.

Customers, partners, and employees are all more likely to trust and do business with a company known for its ethical practices.

In 2024, there’s no more room for discrimination or stuff like that.

You know you’ve done a wonderful job when team members feel respected and not judged!


Flexibility is a superpower for leaders, especially when it comes to taking risks and overcoming challenges

The world throws curveballs, and leaders need to be bendy!

You must always be ready to change strategy or upset plans

If you have managed to create an environment where people communicate effectively and collaborate, your team will also be flexible. 

This means that he will support you in these situations and see them as an opportunity to learn something new.

How to Improve Your Leadership Skills

Ready to work on your leadership skills?

Keep in mind that this is a long path, so you need to be patient and consistent.

Here’s what I did to improve my leadership and management skills.

Identify your leadership style

There are different leadership styles, but you must find the best one that suits you.

First of all, reflect on your strengths and weaknesses.

Did you thrive on giving clear direction, or did you find joy in facilitating discussions and group decisions?

As an evolving leader, remember that effective leadership doesn’t remain static.

My favorite one is participative leadership, as I always focus on listening to my employees and involving them in decision-making.

There is no right answer; only you can know which style is best for you!

Define areas of strength and improvement

What aspects of leadership come naturally to you?

Do you excel at motivating your team, delegating tasks effectively, or fostering open communication?

In this phase, you must be honest with yourself; every leader strives to become better and better.

Don’t shy away from feedback.

Ask your colleagues or your friends what you should work on, and don’t take them as criticism.

This is precious feedback that allows you to become a true leader.

Find a mentor

What is an accountability coach and why it's essential

Seek out someone who has walked the path before you and embodies the 20 qualities of a good leader.

With their support, developing strong leadership skills becomes an attainable goal.

Be patient as this crucial step paves the way for immense personal and professional growth.

It can be an accountability partner, an accountability coach, or someone who already navigates the complexities of leadership development.

Be patient

Embrace patience as a fundamental quality in your journey to become a great leader. 

Effective leadership development spans months, years, or even decades. 

Understand that mastering the characteristics of a good leader is an ongoing process.

It demands your unwavering commitment to self-improvement and openness to new ideas. 

By accepting that leaders also need time to cultivate new skills and grow, you set the stage for meaningful progress.

Keep pushing forward with determination and patience, knowing that every effort brings you closer to embodying the top 20 qualities of effective leadership.


Being a great leader is something that takes effort and dedication.

Mastering the art of effective leadership requires hard work, practice, and a set of essential qualities like accountability, active listening, self-confidence, creativity, collaboration, courage to take risks, and communication skills, among many others.

Leaders also need to understand how to keep up the morale and motivation in their team and know how to set smart goals so that everyone can always feel productive and enthusiastic.

And as I said before, it’s not easy

But remember: the most difficult things lead to extraordinary results that almost no one can get.

So, are you ready to take on this challenge and develop the top 20 qualities of every leader?


1. What makes a great leader stand out?

A great leader shines by being an excellent listener, open to new ideas, and resilient in facing challenges. T

They focus on the end goal with unwavering determination, setting clear paths for others. 

Remember, your ability to actively listen and adapt can transform you into the leader everyone admires.

2. How can I become a good listener like effective leaders?

To become a good listener, focus on what others are saying without planning your response while they speak. 

Great leaders actively listen because it helps them understand and connect with their team’s needs and ideas better. 

Start now – make listening a priority in every conversation.

3. Why is resilience important for leadership?

Resilient leaders focus on solutions rather than problems, seeing setbacks as opportunities for growth. 

Your resilience will inspire those around you to face challenges with courage and persistence. 

Embrace each obstacle as a chance to learn and strengthen your leadership skills.

4. How do good leaders stay open to new ideas?

Good leaders know that innovation is key to success; they stay open by fostering an environment where every voice is heard and valued. 

Encourage feedback, ask questions, and never stop learning from those around you or from other industries’ best practices.

Giovanni della Ventura Author

About Author

Giovanni is a maestro of time management, motivation, and accountability.

With an experience of over seven years as an account manager, during the night, he transforms into an SEO consultant, one of his many passions.

In this blog, he shares his best tips on becoming the best version of yourself based on his experience. Learn more

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