How To Take Accountability For Your Actions And Reach Your Goals

How To Take Accountability For Your Actions And Reach Your Goals

Do you want to reach your professional goals?

Then, you need to take accountability for your actions.


Stop for a moment and ask yourself these simple questions:

Are you happy with your life and career?”

“When you get angry when your colleagues don’t take responsibility for their actions, what do you think of them?”

“Have you ever been in a situation where you realize that you have made a mistake yet find yourself reluctant to take full responsibility for it?”

Maybe your words and actions were hurtful or demeaning to someone else – and here you are, struggling to admit it.

The reality is that most people don’t take full accountability for their actions, which is a massive problem in the workplace and their relationships.

In this blog post, I’ll explain how I develop personal accountability and how you can do the same.

Don’t let life pass you by without taking control; let’s leverage the power of accountability together today!

Key Takeaways

  • Taking ownership of our actions means accepting responsibility and assuming full accountability, whether positive or negative.
  • This involves pausing and evaluating our contributions to any given situation instead of blaming others for everything.
  • Admitting mistakes is essential to taking responsibility, as it shows maturity, courage, and an understanding that one’s actions can impact the world around one.
  • Finding an accountability partner is a great way to stay motivated while achieving personal and professional goals.

    By working together, you can achieve more incredible results than working alone.

What does it mean to take accountability for your actions?

Taking accountability for your actions means owning up to the consequences of your choices.

It’s about acknowledging that you have a role to play in a situation and being willing to face the outcomes, good or bad.

It is a sign of maturity and strength and one of the best qualities of a leader.

It shows you’re willing to learn from your mistakes and become a better person.

Acting this way helps you build trust and respect in your relationships.

Since I started taking responsibility for my actions, I reached my professional goals and improved my life overall.

I stopped blaming others for what happened in my life and worked on my weaknesses.

How do you truly take accountability?

Take a dark period in your life as an example.

I believe we should take accountability for what was happening in the past, analyze it, and transform our lives, learning from our mistakes.

It’s useful and liberating, especially if you’re willing to examine with constructiveness.

But now, let’s examine the fundamental points for taking responsibility for your actions and starting to transform your life.

Stop and Think

How to take accountability for your actions: stop and think

One of the critical aspects of taking accountability is to pause and check how we contribute to a situation.

It can be easy for us to think that what happened is outside our control.

Or even worse, blaming someone else.

You must recognize your role in any given event and take ownership of your actions without playing the blame game.

I know it is not easy.

But constructive criticism is the key to becoming accountable.

For instance, before my first life audit, I had never taken full accountability for what was happening in my life when I was 23.

I hated my job and didn’t know how to escape this situation.

I woke up every morning unmotivated and uninspired.

Unfortunately, my frustration spilled over onto my girlfriend.

In fact, instead of talking to her about it and trying to help, I kept everything inside, and sometimes I said nasty words to her.

Obviously, this was detrimental to my relationship: this is what happens when there is no accountability.

Admit Mistakes

Do you admit your mistakes and accept them without blame or making excuses to avoid your responsibilities?

Blaming others is the second level of the accountability ladder.

It’s easy to get defensive when confronted with our shortcomings – we often circle the wagons when someone asks questions.

However, admitting mistakes shows a level of maturity that’s still all too rare in many people today.

Not doing it shows an unwillingness to grow and learn from experiences for fear of being judged.

Admitting mistakes requires immense courage because you have no real defense against your actions.

But it shows you’re an accountable leader and ready to improve and grow as a person.

Many therapists recommend finding a healthy way of dealing with guilt instead of holding onto it.

Don’t Play the Victim

I used to love to play the victim.

Let’s face it: how comfortable is it to justify yourself for a bad reaction with a story about your childhood or from a traumatic event in your life?

Don’t play the victim; instead, take responsibility for your actions

Playing the victim means blaming outside sources instead of accepting responsibility for what happens in life.

While you can experience temporary relief, this behavior keeps you stuck as it prevents progress and growth.

When you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, ask yourself:

“Was this situation entirely out of my control?”

“What role did I play in this?”

You must focus on the aspects you can influence.

This could be your attitude, your actions, or your perspective.

This positive mindset will help you to take responsibility for your actions and learn from your mistakes.

Suggested reading: Blame vs Accountability

Find an Accountability Partner

Find an Accountability Partner

You can reach this goal by yourself.

But, an accountability partner can help you to speed up this process.

They provide motivation, support, and guidance.

You can work through difficulties, learn from each other’s experiences, and receive honest feedback.

It’s also much easier to stay accountable when there is another person with similar goals.

How to find the perfect one?

It could be one of your colleagues or friends or a professional accountability coach.

I found the best one using GoalsWon, as I explained in my review.

This tool helped me to set achievable milestones and analyze my progress over time.

Everything becomes easier when a professional coach is ready to motivate you and make you understand what’s working!

Suggested reading: Differences between an accountability partner and a coach.

Improve your Time Management Skills

Time is the most precious thing we have.

If you want to reach your goals, you must learn how to use your time wisely.

For example, I learned how to break down tasks into more manageable chunks.

This helped me focus on my most important tasks work set clear deadlines, and create a schedule that works best for me.

As a result, I was able to reduce my daily distractions like Social Media or useless tasks.

Working on time management will also teach you how to delegate tasks properly to maximize your productivity and team performance. 

Having control over your daily routine gives you immense power over yourself.

Accountability partner apps help you do that, creating to-do lists or achievable milestones.

But you can start doing it by asking yourself these simple questions:

  • When am I most productive?
  • How do I typically spend my time?
  • What are my biggest time wasters?
  • How well did I stick to my schedule today/this week?

Learn to Apologize

Learn to Apologize

Apologizing is an essential part of personal growth and of the best accountability examples.

We often make excuses for our negative behavior or deflect blame onto someone else when we make mistakes.

This can be counterproductive as it prevents us from recognizing and owning up to our misdeeds.

Apologizing shows that you understand your contribution to a situation.

But instead of not caring, you own up to the consequences of those actions and you’ll make positive changes to fix things in the future.

And you know what?

Apologizing helped me rebuild relationships with some of my colleagues by showing remorse.

It’s not about being weak.

It’s about understanding their perspective, even if I disagreed with them, and showing them that they could trust my words again.

Conclusion: The Power of Accountability

Accountability can transform our own lives.

You can go from being at the mercy of events to having much greater control over what happens to you.

That’s why being accountable is so important.

I’m so grateful I started working on this skill, and you should do it too.

Taking accountability means being responsible for our words, thoughts, and actions.

This is the only way to be the architects of our destiny.

Giovanni della Ventura Author

About Author

Giovanni is a maestro of time management, motivation, and accountability.

With an experience of over seven years as an account manager, during the night, he transforms into an SEO consultant, one of his many passions.

In this blog, he shares his best tips on becoming the best version of yourself based on his experience. Learn more

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