team accountability

7 Ways to Improve Team Accountability as a Leader

Do you want to build a strong and collaborative team?

Then, you must work on your team’s accountability.

In fact, studies show that team accountability is strongly correlated with team trust and commitment.

I manage a team of over seven people and trust me; it’s almost impossible to reach your company’s goals if people don’t take responsibility for their actions.

In this article, you will find effective ways to work on this leadership skill and improve your team’s productivity.

What is accountability in teams?

Accountability in teams is when every member takes responsibility for their part of a collective promise and commits to delivering high-quality results.

Imagine the boost in trust, motivation, and clear communication when team members hold themselves responsible for their outputs.

That’s why accountability plays a crucial role in building a healthy and productive workplace.

At the same time, the lack of accountability in a team is extremely dangerous.

In my experience as an account manager, I worked with people who loved to blame each other and make excuses for missing deadlines.

Getting the sales and marketing team to collaborate was impossible because there was no communication and collaboration.

As a leader, your mission is to find ways to build accountability and track the results.

How to improve your team accountability

Creating accountability within a team means taking real, actionable steps today. 

If you’re a manager, you have the power to transform how your group takes responsibility for their actions and meets deadlines,

The secret is using strategies that deepen trust and enhance communication within your crew.

With the right approach, you improve team performance and achieve your goals.

This journey will build stronger connections and set a foundation for enduring success across all endeavors.

Lead by example

leading by example

Listen, how can you improve your team’s accountability if you don’t lead by example?

I had this experience, but I was a regular team member.

My boss had accountability issues, and this influenced the rest of the team.

That’s why personal accountability is crucial, and you must work on it.

Of course, it’s not something you reach overnight, but you must be consistent.

There’s nothing wrong with not being the perfect leader, but if you show that you want to improve, your team will do the same.

Finding an accountability partner, such as a colleague, a friend, or even your partner, can improve accountability.

In my case, I found GoalsWon extremely useful, and it is the perfect tool to improve this trait.

As I explain in my review, it’s been a game-changer for me and my performance and accountability improved a lot.

Promote personal development

Taking accountability means recognizing our flaws and working to improve them.

For instance, I have always been afraid of speaking in public, and my performance has been terrible.

What was I used to do?

I blamed external factors, finding excuses like: “I wasn’t in good shape” or “I didn’t have enough time to prepare my speech”.

Then, I decided to take ownership of my personal and professional development.

I started taking theatre lessons and hired a coach.

You should encourage your team to take charge of their growth and progress.

This means setting specific goals that push them beyond their current capabilities but are still within reach.

Make it clear that improving individual skills benefits the entire team.

A high-performing team should always focus on professional and personal development.

Use the right accountability tools

accountability apps

You can foster trust and accountability in your team faster using the right tools.

In my experience, you can rely on two different categories of tools: accountability apps and accountability team building activities.

Accountability apps are software that will help improve communication and set clear expectations within your team.

I cited GoalsWon earlier, but that’s not the only app you can use.

Todoist and Asana are two effective tools to help people being accountable for their actions, especially in a remote work environment.

It really depends on your needs and what you want to focus on.

On the other hand, accountability team building activities are the perfect way to build a positive work environment and strengthen relationships.

I tried lots of them and listed the best ones in my specific article.

These activities will help improve personal relationships between team members, build loyalty and improve communication.

So, just give them a try!

Delegate effectively

Delegation is one of the key skills of an accountable leader.

You show that you trust your team members, and you work with transparency.

If you try to control everything, you’ll get crazy, and your teammates will hate you.

Assign specific tasks, setting clear deadlines, but make sure to be as clear as possible.

Focus on building a work environment when where people aren’t afraid to ask or talk.

This way, you will cut through confusion and help everyone know what they must do and by when.

You will foster accountability and meet expectations.

Make sure every assigned task has one person responsible for it and schedule regular team meetings. 

Set the right accountability KPIs

accountability kpis

You can promote accountability and create specific metrics to measure it.

For example, I created specific accountability KPIs for my team so I could track my progress.

It’s not about putting pressure, but just wanting to understand if I’m doing things right.

If you’re on a diet, you weigh yourself and look in the mirror, right?

You can do the same with accountability!

Setting the right KPIs is a powerful way to foster team accountability.

These metrics help your team see clearly what success looks like, aligning individual and team goals for optimal performance.

  1. Choose KPIs that match your team’s goals: Whether you’re aiming to improve team performance or achieve specific project outcomes, select indicators that directly reflect these objectives. 
  2. Make KPIs measurable and time-bound: Every KPI should have a number attached to it and a deadline. For instance, increasing customer satisfaction scores by 10% within the next quarter gives your team a clear target and timeframe.
  3. Regularly track progress
  4. Align KPIs with both individual and team activities: Ensure some KPIs measure individual contributions while others focus on the team as a whole. Balancing these perspectives highlights the importance of every role and how it contributes to collective success.
  5. Celebrate milestones: When your team meets or exceeds certain KPIs, it’s time to celebrate! Recognition boosts morale and reinforces the value of accountability within your team.
  6. Review and adjust KPIs regularly: As projects progress and objectives evolve, revisit your set KPIs to ensure they still serve their purpose. Adjusting them based on current realities keeps them relevant and motivating for everyone involved.

By carefully selecting, monitoring, and managing KPIs related to accountability challenges, you clarify expectations and responsibilities

Through this approach, you help ensure:
– tasks are completed efficiently
– deadlines are met consistently
– high-quality work is produced invariably
– effective time management is implemented
– problems are solved swiftly

This will contribute to your overall mission to improve team dynamics for outstanding outcomes!

Organize individual meeting

If you want to build team accountability, you should support each team member individually.

I know, it may seem impossible, especially if you manage a large team.

What has worked during my career is finding one team member who can foster effective accountability.

By doing so, you can split your team meetings and delegate this task.

You will build trust among team members, and you will reward resourcefulness.

I know you might think that some team members will be envious.

But if you focus on them, demonstrating the importance of accountability, you will have a better chance of achieving your goals.

Individual meetings are crucial because they allow you to really understand what each person’s problems are and to overcome them together.

It’s like you become an accountability coach!

Provide Constructive Feedback without judging

Provide Constructive Feedback without judging

Remember always to give your team members precise feedback to help them grow without making them feel judged. 

Use facts and specific accountability examples to explain where they can improve using your personal experience.

This method turns difficult conversations into opportunities for development, building stronger trust within the team.

By doing so, you’ll encourage open communication, making it easier for your team members to accept guidance.

Don’t forget to celebrate victories together but also face challenges head-on.

As explained before, you can use project management tools and team-building activities as platforms for giving feedback.

All team members will feel valued and understand how their contributions fit into the larger goals.

That’s the best method to promote a culture of accountability without fear of being unfairly critiqued!


You can boost your team’s accountability with simple, effective methods.

Use the right tools, focus on building trust and communication, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

This way, you will create a sense of accountability and boost your team’s success.

That’s what I did, and I was able to create a healthy workplace where team collaboration is a must.

No one will do it for you if you’re a team leader and not working on team accountability.

Start now and be consistent as a true leader would do!

Giovanni della Ventura Author

About Author

Giovanni is a maestro of time management, motivation, and accountability.

With an experience of over seven years as an account manager, during the night, he transforms into an SEO consultant, one of his many passions.

In this blog, he shares his best tips on becoming the best version of yourself based on his experience. Learn more

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